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Message Board > User News > Death of the #bilge?? It well could be.

May 30, 2008, 23:34
792 posts

With another regular gone from our midst (rincewind) it seems the channel is bound to die.

I was thinking we could possibly merge with some other channel - someone may want to do a little research for another fenix/gamedev irc channel that is suitable.

People from this board the time is now for you to visit us in #bilge because there may not be one for much longer :(

So, if you are into gamedev of any kind, you may want to visit #bilge at or by the chat applet on this site. It's a good place to idle at any rate.

Bless #div and #bilge! It's been a good 9 years i believe.
May 31, 2008, 09:33
(. )( .)
top pussy
447 posts

Are you the Devil or what?!
May 31, 2008, 14:25
821 posts

But idling can be done better with no distractions.

Where's Rincewind gone then?
May 31, 2008, 14:46
368 posts

Why restrain ourselves to a Fenix/Gamedev chatroom? Fenix is just one of the many languages you can use to develop a game.
May 31, 2008, 16:45
1547 posts

Quoting DTM:
Where's Rincewind gone then?

I'm here at Boolean Soup, just away from IRC. The channel has really slimmed down a lot and it seems to get worse every month. The people there are great but the group isn't diverse enough anymore to have a lot of conversation going. I wish the channel was in a better state but it seems near impossible for the situation to improve unless a steady flow of new people is attracted or the channel is merged with another channel.

Quoting Htbaa:
Why restrain ourselves to a Fenix/Gamedev chatroom? Fenix is just one of the many languages you can use to develop a game.

I don't think there are any other IRC channels related to Fenix in existence, so strike through the Fenix part.
Personal website:
June 2, 2008, 17:09
792 posts

Quoting Htbaa:
Why restrain ourselves to a Fenix/Gamedev chatroom? Fenix is just one of the many languages you can use to develop a game.

thus me stating "/" - fenix "and or" gamedev. practically game development channel. hell, i don't even program in fenix that's obvious.
June 2, 2008, 18:57
368 posts

Hero: The Realm by Mith.
To be ported into Fenix and completed with four large levels.

What was that?
June 4, 2008, 16:43
792 posts

oh yes, well i may or may not finish that.

it took up a lot of spare time in 2001/2002 so redesiging all the levels and adding stuff may be a bit much considering i have other things to do.
June 11, 2008, 16:20
1486 posts

Is this the day the music died?

You'll only get more people going in to the chat room randomly when you have more people coming to this site.

Peter Lafferty

[Edited on June 11, 2008 by PEader]
I see 57,005 people.
June 12, 2008, 01:11
2092 posts

I am in bilge sometimes (sometimes as in twice every 5 months) and the place is not very vivid.

Also, we're not the teenage game programmers anymore, though we still laugh with pee and shit sometimes, but most of us have jobs now or a family life to attend to. But I honestly think back sometimes on the good old days of Div-Arena. When I was still in high school... Time flows like a river *sigh*
June 12, 2008, 17:46
368 posts

I'm usually back at home around 17:30 - 17:45. I usually boot up my PC and start IRC. There indeed isn't going on a lot but when you start to talk usually somebody will respond. It's fine by me. But of course, a more active channel won't do any harm.
June 13, 2008, 00:21
(. )( .)
top pussy
447 posts

June 20, 2008, 00:24
240 posts

Kamasutra: The new Massively Multiplayer Foreplaying Game

Message Board > User News > Death of the #bilge?? It well could be.

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