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Message Board > Others > OpenCL GPGPU testers ?

June 18, 2011, 18:19
12 posts

I've just started porting my Sparse Voxel Octree raytracing engine to OpenCL to see if I can get get some significant speedup using the GPU instead. My aim is then to integrate it into Bennu or Felix.

Because the unpredictable flow control it is not particularly well suited to a GPU massive SIMD architecture, I've been finding that the performance can be quite sporadic/unpredictable with only simple code changes.

Currently I'm testing on an ATI HD 5870 with OpenCL 1.1, but I wonder if in the next month or two when I've got something a little more complete, someone would be willing to test it on their GPU?

You'll to have the relevent OpenCL SDK (AMD APP SDK or Nvidia's SDK) and drivers. Also a good desktop resolution (higher resolution improves rendering efficiency).

Pretty much any OpenCl 1.0/1.1 compatible Gfx card should work - some of these are:

Nvidia Quadro, Tesla, 2xx, 4xx, 5xx series
AMD/ATI Firestream 92xx, 4xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx series
- all mobile variants should work too

Nothing is ready for testing just yet, but I am really curious to see how Nvidia cards handle this code, my thinking is the smaller warp/wavefront size (32<64) will make things quicker.

On a side note, if anyone's interested the same code will run on the CPU (using Intel's OpenCL SDK or AMD APP), but the code has not been optimised for CPUs and will run less optimal.

Post if you can help or have any ideas suggestions..


[Edited on June 19, 2011 by antzrhere]
June 19, 2011, 20:41
12 posts
Just made some changes to the core so Double precision is NO LONGER REQUIRED for testing :-)

This means in theory ANY OpenCl 1.0/1.1 compatible card should work for those interested.

For those without any experience with OpenCL I recommend it. Just download AMD APP (GPU & CPU), Nvidia's OpenCL SDK (GPU) or Intel's OpenCL SDK (CPU) and everything else is quite similar to C/C++ (C99 to be precise).

June 21, 2011, 03:43
78 posts
nice , bennu project...

i like beta tester...

i have a nvidia 8400 gs...
June 21, 2011, 13:41
821 posts

If I didn't have a completely rubbish laptop graphics card I'd love to test it :-(
June 21, 2011, 14:37
12 posts
link3rn3l, that will be nice. I'll let you know when it's ready. It's worth noting however that on a 8400gs, this demo will run only a few fps at best, it is essentially a raytracing engine. But it is worth knowing how fast as you could speculate how similar mid range cards such as Geforce 8800 would run.

DTM: The demo will run on CPUs if you just want to see how it looks, but the OpenCL version will run alot slower than the native C/C++ version on a CPU, and then even that requires a mid-high range CPU.

I've got alot of lab work on at the moment, so it'll be a few weeks before i get a demo for testing out.
November 3, 2011, 10:29
2094 posts

... 19 weeks later
August 15, 2014, 13:21
2094 posts

... 146 weeks later

[Edited on August 15, 2014 by Dennis]

Message Board > Others > OpenCL GPGPU testers ?

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